Did you know that vaccinations are available to prevent some STIs?
Some of these are part of the regular immunisation schedule for all Australians, while others are recommended depending on need.
Check out the list below to find out which vaccinations may be right for you
Hepatitis A vaccine
What is it for?
This vaccine prevents Hepatitis A infection.
Read more about Hep A on our STI information page.
Who is it for?
Anyone who has anal sex
People who inject drugs
People who are incarcerated
People in higher risk occupations (e.g. plumbers, early childcare workers)
People travelling to countries where hepatitis A infection is common
People with certain medical risk factors
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the NT, QLD, SA and WA
How is it given?
2 injections, given at least 6 months apart.
Hepatitis B vaccine
What is it for?
This vaccine prevents Hepatitis B infection.
Read more about Hep B on our STI information page.
Who is it for?
Hep B vaccination is part of the routine immunisation schedule for children, but it is also recommended for most adults who were not previously vaccinated.
How is it given?
3 injections completed over 6 months (given at: 0, 1 month, and 6 months).
HPV vaccine – Gardasil 9®
What is it for?
This vaccine provides protection against 9 types of human papillomavirus (HPV).
Read more about HPV on our STI information page.
Who is it for?
All adolescents and young people. HPV vaccination/ Gardasil 9 is part of the routine immunisation schedule for all adolescents aged 9 to 25 years old.
If you’re over 25 and missed out on HPV vaccination as a young person, it may still be worthwhile getting. Talk to your doctor about whether it's right for you.
How is it given?
1 injection for adolescents and young people up to age 25.
3 injections for people 26 and older (given at: 0, 2 months, 6 months)
Mpox vaccine – JYNNEOS®
What is it?
This vaccine provides protection against mpox infection.
Read more about mpox on our STI information page.
Who is it for?
All sexually active gay, bisexual, and queer men (cis or trans)
Sexual partners of these communities
Sex workers
How is it given?
2 injections, given at least 28 days apart.
Mpox vaccination is only available through identified clinics in NSW.