There are literally thousands and thousands of sex toys. If you can imagine it, it probably exists, and it could make your sex life even more pleasurable.
Whether you’re into vibrators, wands, dildos, harnesses, ropes, clamps, strap-ons, suction toys and/or swings, taking care of your toys means they’ll last longer, and reduce the risk of STIs and bacterial infections.
Tips for using toys safely
Use a different condom every time
Using insertive (AKA penetrative) toys like dildos, strap-ons, butt plugs, and vibrators are an amazing way to not only increase your own sexual pleasure, but also that of your sexual partners. There are so many ways to give… and take.
Using a different condom every time helps protect your toys and can help prevent STIs. So, when you’re switching your toy between body parts (yours and other people’s!) switch your condom, too. Going from vulva to arse? Switch it out! New person? Switch it out!
Remember if you’ve used your sex toy in anal play of any kind, use a new condom and make sure the toy has been cleaned properly before you use it anywhere else on you or your partner/s. This helps stop the spread of bacteria that can cause infections.
Lube is your friend!
Lubrication is not an indication of how turned on someone is. Everybody (and every body!) is different and responds differently, so lube can be essential, helpful or just a very fun addition.
Lube is an incredible addition to play, especially with toys. Using the right lube can enhance pleasure and help to prevent condom or barrier breakage. This reduces the risk of STI and BBV transmission.
When thinking about barriers, lube probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, but it should! Lube is a crucial and often overlooked tool when it comes to pleasure and safety. Lube helps by reducing friction and making things nice and slippery. Not only does this tend to feel better, leading to more pleasure, but it also reduces the likelihood of your barriers (or sensitive areas) tearing. Lubes can be water, silicone, or oil-based.
Water based lubes wash away easily so they’re the easiest to clean up (but not great for any activities in water). You can get a range of consistencies from super thick to thin and watery. Vulvas and vaginas can be easily irritated by lube ingredients, but something water-based and glycerin-free without other additives is a great place to start.
Silicone-based lubes are less slippery and longer lasting than water-based lubes. These ones are best for anal play or watery sessions (for example bath or shower sessions). Silicone lubes can be used with latex barriers but can cause silicone toys to degrade over long-term use.
Oil-based lubes, including natural oils like olive or coconut, are best used for heavier penetration activities like fisting. They can break down latex barriers so don’t use these with regular condoms or dams. Oils can also linger in some holes and cause infection so wash yourself carefully after using these.
Keep your toys clean
Toy hygiene and cleanliness is key to protecting your toys, yourself and your partner. You can use a few different products to clean and sanitise your toys:
Hot soapy water: Soap alone won’t remove STI bacteria or viruses from toys, but if it’s the best you’ve got, it’s worked before, and you already know how to use it!
Isopropyl alcohol: Alcohol is great for sanitising and can be found in most supermarkets. Isocol is a well-known brand that's usually easy to find. You could even use alcohol swabs!
Chlorinated sanitiser: This is also known as baby bottle sanitiser and is a great and safe way to make sure your toys are sterile. Milton tablets, fluid and spray can be found in chemists, supermarkets, and baby wares stores. Make sure to read the instructions for use.
Viraclean: This is a medical grade cleaner and steriliser that is fantastic for keeping toys clean. It can be found at various online medical supply stores and is included in our free play packs. To use, simply spray down the toy or surface, leave for at least 10 minutes to allow for it to work, and wipe down with a paper towel or rinse off with warm water.
Cleaning toys of different materials
Hypo-allergenic and easiest to maintain, silicone dildos, plugs and non-battery-operated toys may be boiled for two to three minutes, washed with soap and water, put in the dishwasher on a sanitising cycle (never add dishwashing detergent, just a water rinse) or sprayed down with Viraclean then rinsed.
All can be washed with warm water and anti-bacterial hand soap and sterilised using a cotton ball soaked in alcohol, antibacterial hand sanitiser, Viraclean or baby bottle sterilising solution (rinse thoroughly afterward); acrylic, glass and metal toys may be boiled or submerged in hot water if they're not battery-operated.
These products are extremely porous, so be sure to wash them thoroughly with warm water and antibacterial hand soap, or spray down with Viraclean or baby bottle sanitising solution and then rinse so that no trace of residue is left, as it can degrade the material and cause irritation to you. Again, while it's a good idea to use a condom with any insertable toys, it's an especially good idea with toys made of these materials.
Thoroughly wash with warm (never hot) water and a liquid antibacterial soap (or Viraclean) then let air dry completely. Once dry, sprinkle with the included "renewing" powder or cornstarch. Never use talcum powder or baby powder, as these can cause irritation and sometimes more serious health problems for women (pure talc is fine but very difficult to find).
Since they have a motor, you shouldn’t do any boiling or put them in the dishwasher. Wipe them down with a damp, soapy cloth, or spray with Viraclean then wipe down. A lot of vibrators have cracks & crevices where different materials or where two parts of the toy meet or just because of the texture. These crevices, ridges and similar spots require special attention when you are cleaning. Try using a soft toothbrush.
Thoroughly wash the bag or bucket with hot water and anti-bacterial soap or Viraclean. For the small bulbs fill with hot, soapy water, shake then squeeze to empty; do this several times then rinse. After washing everything needs to be soaked for at least half an hour in chlorinated water or hot water with Viraclean, then thoroughly rinsed out and left to dry. NEVER immerse any sex toy that has an electrical component in water (electrical component means anything that vibrates or has batteries).
For longer toy life you will need to consider your storage options! Before storing your toy, make sure it is clean, dry, and free of any lubricants.
Keep your toys in a cool, dry and dark place.
Make sure none of your toys are touching skin to skin because some materials have reactions when in contact with other toy material. There are some anti-microbial bags on the market perfect for storing vibrators and dildos.
If applicable remove your batteries. It’s best to ‘lock’ rechargeable vibrators. This avoids accidental turn ons and potential corrosion.
Toy storage