ACON’s pilot
sexual health resource
An online hub for accessible, inclusive, and relevant sexual and reproductive health information
Created by and for LGBTQ+ women
This resource responds to the specific, often un- or under-addressed, sexual and reproductive health needs of LGBTQ+ women.
To create an online hub for accessible, inclusive, and relevant sexual and reproductive health information for LGBTQ+ women and their partners
Increase sexual health literacy and knowledge
Improve sexual health (STI) testing and cancer screening rates among our communities
Improve access to health provision that is inclusive of diverse genders and sexualities and empower LGBTQ+ women to navigate healthcare systems and institutions that are not always aware of our unique needs.
A continually evolving project
This resource is (as far as we know) the first of its kind in Australia. We acknowledge that it will not be perfect or all-encompassing from its initial launch. For this reason, we actively encourage and invite feedback from community members, and health professionals alike to ensure that we are addressing the diverse and varied needs of all LGBTQ+ women!
We hope that over time this resource will grow and adapt as it responds to the ever-changing needs of our communities.
The artwork featured in the Acknowledgement of Country, which has also been incorporated into the design of this website, was created by Aretha Brown. Find out more about the artist and read their artist statement here.